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Showing posts from June, 2020

2020 so far; lost access to old blog

I will remember this day fully, my best friend is officially a Bustos! Congratulations, Sherin Sohrabi for getting married, I was in awe when they did. I actually was working the whole day, and then this happened, I went straight home from work and pulled an all nighter since I work EST and time difference made me tired, but I managed to survive! Heehee I went to also have lunch with my friend Celine, when I got the gifts for the newly weds it was super tiring, wedding gifts are of the heaviest materials haha. The pans, silverware etc; it was fun, Chili's is a good place to eat out. How I missed it! I finally booked a ticket to go back to my mother's roots, in Dagupan city, we celebrated her 63rd birthday and it was a blast people were saying that I brought COVID 19 there because I came from Manila, so not true, I'm healthy as a sumo wrestler. Haha. I've always wanted to get a puppy for Keira to have a playmate with, so I got a new puppy. He is super sweet but is a poop...